2022, Opportunistic Plantscapes, The Point of Order, Wits University, Johannesburg

What is a Weed?, Leonard & Bina Ellen Gallery (online), Montreal, Canada

2020, Terra Visions, Circa Gallery, Everard Read, Cape Town

2019, Life In the Entropics, Kalashnikovv Gallery, Johannesburg

2018, Rest, Draw, Rest, Kalashnikovv Gallery, Johannesburg 2018, Entanglement, Tomorrow's Today curated by Tumelo Mosaka for Investec CTA, Everard Read Gallery, Cape Town

2017, To Meet The Threshold, No End Contemporary Gallery, Johannesburg 2017, Entropy into a Third Landscape, Kalashnikovv Gallery, Johannesburg

2016, FNB Art Fair Gallery Solo Projects, Kalashnikovv Gallery, Johannesburg 2016, Bonus Space, Nars Foundation, Brooklyn, New York

2015, From Where I was : Part One / a site responsive exchange between Johannesburg and Melbourne in collaboration with Samantha McCulloch, Substation Gallery (Melbourne) and Kalashnikovv Gallery (Johannesburg)
2015, From Where I was : Part Two / Document, a site responsive exchange between Johannesburg and Melbourne in collaboration with Samantha McCulloch focusing on viewing an object through different portals, Featured installation at Turbine Art Fair
2015, From Where I was : Part Three / Circuits, a site responsive intervention at the FNB Art Fair, Johannesburg in collaboration with Samantha McCulloch focusing on value exchange in the context of an art fair, FNB Art Fair

2011, An Imaginary Solution, Blank Projects, Cape Town


Investec Cape Town Art Fair - Kalashnikovv Gallery

Turbine Art Fair - Kalashnikovv Gallery
FNB Johannesburg Art Fair - Kalashnikovv Gallery

Turbine Art Fair - Kalashnikovv Gallery
FNB Johannesburg Art Fair - Kalashnikovv Gallery

Turbine Art Fair - Kalashnikovv Gallery
Cape Town Art Fair - Kalashnikovv Gallery

FNB Johannesburg Art Fair, - Kalashnikovv Gallery
Turbine Art Fair - Kalashnikovv Gallery
Cape Town Art Fair - Smith Gallery

FNB Johannesburg Art Fair, - Kalashnikovv Gallery
Turbine Art Fair - Kalashnikovv Gallery


2023, Soil Conversations, curated by Nisha Merit and Yolanda Kaddu, Galeri im Körnerpark, Berlin, GRM
2023, Entangled Intimacies, curated by Rory Thomas, Goethe Institute, Johannesburg
2022, Reshape, Latitudes, Online
Hello and Goodbye, Kalashnikovv Gallery, Cape Town

2020, Summer Show, Everard Read Gallery, Franschoek
2020, The Takeaways, Stay Home Gallery (online), Texas, USA
2020, Looking forward while looking back, Nars Foundation (online), New York, USA 2020, The Nonrepresentational, STEVENSON Gallery, Cape Town
2020, STILL, Everard Read / Circa Gallery (online), Cape Town

2020, Us, Everard Read / Circa Gallery (online), Cape Town

2019, Summer Show, Everard Read / Circa Gallery, Cape Town 2019, Invisible Exhibition, TMRW Gallery & Centre for the Less Good Idea, Johannesburg 2019, Rocks, The Gallery, Johannesburg 2019, The Spaces In Between, TMRW Gallery, Johannesburg
2018, Penumbra, curated by Wendy Fredrickson, The Old Granary, Cape Town 2018, Towards a Sentimental Cartography of Water, curated by Stafan Vicedom, Greatmore Studio, Cape Town 2018, Drawn In, TwilSharp Studios, Johannesburg
2018, The Villa, curated by Jonathan Freemantle, Johannesburg
2018, Winter Show, Circa Gallery, Cape Town 2018, Momento Mori, Kalashnikovv Gallery, Johannesburg

2017, Folly, Smith Gallery, Cape Town 2017, One Colour At A Time: Contemporary Screenprints, Wits Art Museum, Johannesburg 2017, Snake Eyes,curated by Found Collective, No End Contemporary Gallery, Johannesburg 2017, The House, curated by Samantha McCulloch, Twilsharp Studios, Johannesburg 2017, Work / Play, curated by Layla Leiman, Berman Contemporary Gallery, Johannesburg 2017, Winter Show, Everard Read Gallery, Cape Town
2017, Arising African Perspectives, LKB/G, Hamburg, Germany 2017, Capturing State, curated by Prints on Paper, KKNK Festival, Oudtshoorn

2016, Material City, curated by Sandile Radebe, Everard Read Gallery, Cape Town 2016, Scramble for Africa, Kalashnikovv Galeri, Berlin 2016, Authentic Thinkers, curated by Dr Fred Scott, Johannesburg 2016, Barclays L'Atelier Top 100, Absa Gallery, Johannesburg 2016, From Whence They Came, Smith Gallery, Cape Town 2016, Enjoyment of the Anti-Sublime,Group exhibition, Kalashnikovv Gallery, Johannesburg
2016, Blank Spaces,Featuring highlights from the KKNK Festival, ABSA Art Gallery, Johannesburg 2016, In the midst of things, curated by Maaike Bakker & Jayne Crawshay-Hall, KKNK Festiva, Oudtshoorn 2016, Travel, Group exhibition curated by Layla Leiman, Johannesburg & Cape Town 2016, Prologue, Kalashnikovv Gallery, Johannesburg 2016, Fifteen Hundred, NO END Gallery, Johannesburg
2016, Sketch, Smith Gallery, Cape Town

2015, No End To This, NO END Gallery, Johannesburg
2015, Cross Sections, curated by Kalashnikovv Gallery, Johannesburg 2015, Death of the Old, Kalashnikovv Gallery, Johannesburg 2015, On The Back Of His Words, Constitution Hill, Johannesburg 2015, Open Studio, Featured Artist, Assemblage Studios, Newtown Johannesburg

2013, Conditions, White River Gallery, Nelspruit
2013, Beggin’ For Change,CUBE-ROUTE, In association with Evilson, Cape Town, An Open Drawer Project initiative

2011, Part 1: The Drawing Room, Spin Space Gallery, VANSA Western Cape, Cape Tow, An Open Drawer Project initiative

2010, The Science of Imaginary Solutions, Graduate Exhibition, Michaelis School of Fine Art
Cape Town

2009, OnTopOfTheWorld, Green Point Stadium, Cape Town, curated by Andre Vorster


2018, Transparency: Residency for Self-education on Privilege & Socio-political Heritage in The Contemporary Art World, Kunsthalle am Hamburger Platz, Weissensee, Berlin

2016, International Residency, NARS Foundation, Brooklyn, New York City 2015, CC Joburg 1 hour residency, Ithuba Gallery, Braamfontein, Johannesburg 2014, Transform Today, Absolut Res, Absolut, Johannesburg 2012, Horizons, 24 hour Suburban Residency Sober and Lonely Institute for Contemporary Art Johannesburg, an Open Drawer Projects initiative 2015, 72 Hour JAM, a nonstop consecutive 72 hour workshop project conducted by Nottingham Trent University, Ithuba Arts Gallery, Johannesburg


2013, Cube-Route, a mobile gallery across South Africa from Nelspruit to Cape Town. An Open Drawer Projects initiative


2014, See Me Pole. A site intervention by a thoroughfare near Mai Mai Market, Jeppestown, Johannesburg. The intervention intended to make motorists more aware of the space they passed through as the site is known for pedestrians dangerously crossing the road.

2014, “what would you do in 5 x 2.5 sqm... if there was no car?”. A temporary site intervention on Pritchard street in Banking City, Johannesburg, considered the debates around 
how public open spaces are currently used in the inner city and how it could possibly be used in alternative recreational ways without the Car.


2023, Serpentine, Public Sculpture, Victoria Yards,Johannesburg, commissioned by Alsekal Advisory
2020, Without Water There Are No Flowers, Public Art Mural commissioned by the Royal Danish Embassy, Pretoria Central 2014, Ratio, Public Sculpture commissioned by Group Five


2022, MAFA, Wits School Of Art, Witwatersrand University, Johannesburg
2011, Post Graduate Business Acumen for Artists Diplom, Graduate School of Business University of Cape Town
2011, Short Course / Developing & Applying Interpersonal Skills UNISA 2010, Bachelor of Arts in Fine Art / BAFA, Dean’s Merit List, Michaelis School of Fine Art University of Cape Town 2007, Curatorship Course / conducted by Linda Stupart, African Studies Centre, University of Cape Town
Io Makandal copyright 2023