Rest. Draw. Rest / Duo Exhibition

Io Makandal & Lucy Jane Turpin | Rest. Draw. Rest
Duo Exhibition at Kalashnikovv Gallery, Johannesburg
01.11.18 – 04.12.18

Io Makandal, View from the studio, 2018, Mixed media drawing on fabriano, 1500 x 1800 mm

Io Makandal, Space to Place III, 2018, Mixed media drawing on archival paper, 1000 x 1400 mm 

Io Makandal, Static Wall, 2018, Mixed media drawing on Fabriano, 1000 x 700 mm

A collaborative exhibition of recent explorations and preoccupations by Io Makandal and Lucy Jane Turpin.

form / wait / paint / rest / draw

draw / rest / paint / wait / form

When does drawing begin?
When does drawing cease?
When does drawing exist as a painting, as an installation of matter, as a structure, a space?
When does drawing meet with painting, meet with matter, meet with form, line and space and when does painting, matter, form, line and space meet with drawing?

In meeting / in making / in merging / in conversing, we draw
Io Makandal copyright 2023